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How to set the next/image component to 100% height

Sep 15, 2024Abhishek EH2 Min Read
How to set the next/image component to 100% height

You might have come across situations where you need to set the image height to the height of the container. You might not know the dimensions of the image before hand and also, the height of the container may vary dynamically.

In this article, we will see how you can fit the image to the container height while using Next.js image.

Create a custom image component:

1"use client"
3import Image from "next/image"
5export default function ImageComponent({
6 src,
7 alt,
8}: {
9 src: string,
10 alt: string,
11}) {
12 return <Image src={src} alt={alt} fill style={{ objectFit: "contain" }} />
  • The fill property causes the image to fill the parent element.
  • The style property objectFit:"contain" makes the image to keep the aspect ratio.

Now use the ImageComponent as shown below.

1import ImageComponent from "./components/ImageComponent"
3export default function Home(props) {
4 return (
5 <div style={{ height: "300px", position: "relative" }}>
6 <ImageComponent
7 src="\nWorld"
8 alt="image"
9 />
10 </div>
11 )

Note that you need to provide the style position: "relative" to the wrapping element as the display attribute of the image will be set to absolute when we pass fill as true.

If you want the image to occupy both width and height and maintain aspect ratio, then you can give objectFit:"cover". In this case entire image may not be displayed.

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